Breaking news
At Carbify we want to offer actual use for NFTs as soon as possible. Our NFTrees are bound to real trees planted in the Amazon rainforest. That’s something special, as usually, NFTs don’t offer a connection to a real-life asset. The trees will generate $aCO2 tokens, which you can claim the $aCO2 tokens in Carbidash. CO2 Token Generation
We will enable the $aCO2 token generation on the first of march 2023!
This means your batch 1 tree will generate $aCO2 starting on this date. We strive to get this integrated into Carbidash within Q1. Even if we do not make this, the trees will show the correct balance as soon as the feature is live.
Features summary
Carbidash offers some cool features right from the start, like:
- Profile. You can edit your bio, profile and such;
- Integration of Metamask, Walletconnect, Coinbasewallet and more;
- NFT overview. You can check the amount of Carbify NFTs you own. If you want, you can list them on the marketplace from here;
- Staking. You can stake your trees on your land plots using $CBY tokens;
- Claim $aCO2 tokens generated by your NFTrees;
- We decided to develop our own marketplace. This marketplace can be used for Carbify NFTs only;
- Token overview (will be added soon);
- $aCO2 pools (will be added soon).
Community testing
On Thursday, February 16th, we will begin conducting community testing. A group of 15 enthusiastic members from the community will provide valuable feedback. Once all issues and feedback are addressed, Carbidash will be available to the general public.