Carbify just launched the NFTree sale and land sale on Opensea. This article will describe everything you need to know.

Carbify just started with the land plot sale and NFTree sale! Very exciting times will begin as the first signs of our real-time strategy game Eco Empires: Battle for the Earth are revealed. We will use the same style for all our assets and in-game visuals.


When you own NFTrees, you will generate $aCO2 tokens. The NFTrees are bound to a real tree planted in the Amazon / Atlantic forest region. They will filter CO2 from the air and fight against climate change. You, as a tree owner, will receive $aCO2 tokens. One kg of CO2 absorbed is equal to 1 $aCO2 token. This is where the fun starts! You can gather lots of tokens over time. The tokens are worth money as CO2 is being traded globally. We will offer ways to sell or trade these tokens.

Want to learn more about NFTrees? Here is the NFTree section in our whitepaper.

You can buy Carbify NFTrees on Opensea by clicking here.

Land plots

Carbify offers three types of land plots. The Genesis limited edition, premium limited edition and the standard plots. Users can plant the NFTrees on the plots using Carbidash (our management portal). Doing so can significantly increase the amount of $aCO2 generated.

Land plots can also be used for the game Eco Empires: Battle for the Earth. Land plot owners can assign land plot NFTs to villages and gain extra rewards. Land plot renting will also be possible for a passive income.

Genesis plots offer 50 NFTree spots.
Premium plots offer 30 NFTree spots.
Standard plots offer 15 NFTree spots.

Genesis land plot

Some important details regarding the Genesis plots:

  • The maximum supply for the Genesis land plot is 1500. They will never be minted again.
  • You need 5$ in $CBY tokensto activate the staking for each NFTree. As soon as the $CBY increases in value, you could, in theory, unstake and use the extra tokens.
  • If you decide to unstake the NFTrees, the $CBY will be returned minus a 2% fee. These tokens will be burned to lower the supply.
  • You can plant up to 50 NFTrees on a Genesis plot.
  • Genesis plots can be used in-game $aCO2 bonus: 100%. This means your CO2 token generation will be 100% faster. The $aCO2 in the pool from non-staked NFTrees will be awarded to staked NFTrees, increasing your rewards significantly.

You can buy Carbify Genesis plots on Opensea by clicking here.

Premium land plot

Some important details regarding the Premium plots:

  • The maximum supply for the Premium land plot is 7500. They will never be minted again.
  • You need 5$ in $CBY tokensto activate the staking for each NFTree. As soon as the $CBY increases in value, you could, in theory, unstake and use the extra tokens.
  • If you decide to unstake the NFTrees, the $CBY will be returned minus a 2% fee. These tokens will be burned to lower the supply.
  • You can plant up to 30 NFTrees on a premium plot.
  • Premium plots can be used in-game $aCO2 bonus: 90%. This means your CO2 token generation will be 90% faster. The $aCO2 in the pool from non-staked NFTrees will be awarded to staked NFTrees, increasing your rewards significantly.

You can buy Carbify Premium plots on Opensea by clicking here.

Standard land plot

Some important details regarding the Standard plots:

  • The maximum supply for the Standard land plot is unlimited.
  • You need 5$ in $CBY tokensto activate the staking for each NFTree. As soon as the $CBY increases in value, you could, in theory, unstake and use the extra tokens.
  • If you decide to unstake the NFTrees, the $CBY will be returned minus a 2% fee. These tokens will be burned to lower the supply.
  • You can plant up to 15 NFTrees on a Standard plot.
  • Standard plots can be used in-game $aCO2 bonus: 80%. This means your CO2 token generation will be 80% faster. The $aCO2 in the pool from non-staked NFTrees will be awarded to staked NFTrees, increasing your rewards significantly.

You can buy Carbify Standard plots on Opensea by clicking here.

Eco Empires: Battle for the Earth

Eco Empires is a game that allows players to earn in-game $aCO2 prizes. Players who own land plots in the game can boost their rewards by participating in the “land plot owner prize pool,” which makes up 80% of the total prize pool. Players without land plots can still earn rewards from the remaining 20% of the prize pool, known as the “standard prize pool.” In the game, players can conquer new worlds, plant trees, and increase their rewards based on their ranking and the number of land plots and trees they own. Multiple worlds will be available to play at the same time.

  • Land plot owners will be rewarded from the ‘Land plot pool’: 80% of the $aCO2 tokens.
  • Players will be rewarded from the ‘Player pool’: 20% of the $aCO2 tokens.

Occasionally there will be NFT rewards for ending up in the top 3.

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Carbify Whitepaper:

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